- Callisto
- Каллисто, спутник Юпитера
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
Callisto — can refer to:*Callisto (mythology), nymph *Callisto (moon), moon of Jupiter *Callisto (band), Finnish metal band. *Eclipse (software)#Callisto, version 3.2 of Eclipse, a Java IDE *Callisto (Vancouver), a building in Vancouver, Canada;In art,… … Wikipedia
Callisto — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Callisto Publicación Marvel Comics Primera aparición Uncanny X Men #169 (Mayo de 1983) Chris Claremont Creador(es) Chris Claremont y Paul Smith Características Nombre real Desconocido Es … Wikipedia Español
Callisto — CALLISTO, us, Gr. Καλλιστὼ, ους, (⇒ Tab. XIX.) nach einigen des Lykaons, Eumelus ap. Apollod. lib. III. c. 8. §. 2. nach andern, des Nykteus, Asius ap. eumd. l. c. nach den dritten, des Ceteus Tochter, Pherecydes ibid. nach den vierten aber eine… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
CALLISTO — Lycaonis Arcadiae Regis silia, nympha celeberrima, quae a Iove compressa, gravidaque facta, quum simul cum Diana lavaretur; tumore uteri prodita, et ab ea repulsa, Arcadem filium in silvis peperit, a quo postea Arcadia dicta est. Haec postea a… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Callisto — m Italian: from the Late Latin personal name Callistus, which is apparently adopted from the Greek vocabulary word kallistos, superlative of kalos fair, good. The forms Callixtus and Calixtus are also found in Late Latin, but seem to be later… … First names dictionary
Callisto — 2nd moon of Jupiter, in classical mythology a nymph, mother of Arcas by Zeus, turned to a bear by Hera, from Gk. kallistos, superl. of kalos beautiful. Feminized as proper name Callista … Etymology dictionary
Callisto — [kə lis′tō] n. [L < Gr Kallistō] 1. Gr. & Rom. Myth. a nymph loved by Zeus and changed into a bear by Hera 2. the second largest satellite of Jupiter: discovered in 1610 by Galileo … English World dictionary
Callisto — /keuh lis toh/, n. 1. Also, Kallisto. Class. Myth. a nymph attendant on Artemis, punished for a love affair with Zeus by being changed into a bear and then transformed into stars as the constellation Ursa Major. 2. Astron. a large natural… … Universalium
Callisto — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Callisto », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Dans la mythologie grecque, Callisto, une… … Wikipédia en Français
Callisto — Unter Kallisto (auch Callisto) versteht man eine Figur der griechischen Mythologie, siehe Kallisto (Mythologie) eine Oper über sie von Francesco Cavalli: La Calisto einen Mond des Planeten Jupiter, siehe Kallisto (Mond) den Asteroiden mit der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Callisto — Figlia di Licaone e progenitrice degli Arcadi. Callisto il cui nome significa bellissima era sempre al seguito della dea Artemide e come alla dea era restia a parlare d amore. Zeus che se n era infatuato fu costretto a ricorrere ad un… … Dizionario dei miti e dei personaggi della Grecia antica